Monday, December 17, 2012

I just wanted to take some time today and write about what has made me happy lately. 
This guy. He treats me like a queen and I feel loved every second of every day. Putting up the Christmas tree with his family was so nice because it made me feel like part of the family (which they have made me feel since day one). For example, look at this cute stocking that his Mom got me a few years ago! It goes up every year and makes me so happy :)

Next, and I think that most Flagstaff-ians can agree with me, the weather here is AMAZING. I mean, I'm not crazy about the wind. But everything else has been wonderful this year! For example, this was my walk to work a few weeks ago. 

And this is my walk to work NOW! I love the crisp, chill air, and the snow especially. I'm so grateful for Flagstaff and the wonders of the four seasons :)

Love makes me happy. Also, Macy's. 

I am so happy that I am developing my photography skills further. I feel like I am growing as an artist every day and looking at my past work and how it has evolved. Here is a recent series of shots that I did for my dear friend Kelsey, who graduated last weekend! 


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