Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Following your dreams.

Lately I've been inspired by a video that's been circulating the internet. It's from Soulpancake and is titled "A Message From Kid President." You can watch it here:

I've also learned a lot from the Holstee Manifesto, which I discovered in July. It's not complicated, but it means a lot to me and many, many other people! I actually submitted my own story and it got published, which I didn't even know about until my man pointed it out a few weeks ago! You can view that here

Since following my dreams of going back to school for photography, I have learned so much and grown a lot. Let me just say, I freaking love photography. I don't remember what I did before I got my first camera! Which, by the way, is still tucked into my closet. My Dad keeps asking me if I'll sell it to him, but I just can't let go of my first baby. My most recent accomplishment was being flown out for a fashion photography gig this weekend by Samantha Patterson Designs! I'm so proud of my work and know that this is the beginning of the rest of my career. Here's a glimpse into what I did for most of the day on Monday!

By the way, you can view my online portfolios at www.audreyhirschl.4ormat.com and www.audreyannephotography.com

If you ever have any doubts about following your dreams, let them go. You never know where they will take you! 

"I would rather have a life of 'oh wells' than a life of 'what ifs.'"


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Vintage Teacup Candles

It's been awhile... oops! I'm going to work on posting more, but for now I thought I would go over how to make teacup candles! They're one of my favorite, most easiest crafts to make and they make amazing gifts and decorations for your home.

First, I started with vintage teacups. These are NOT easy to find in Flagstaff, mind you, so I had to venture down to Phoenix to find them. I found a few at Sweet Salvage, which I have blogged about here. They ranged in price from $1-$6 each!

First off, you need proper supplies. I got all of mine from Michaels, but there are also plenty of other crafty stores that sell candle making supplies. I bought:
- A block of wax (not pictured, because unfortunately I used all of my supplies)
- A few scent blocks (a pack of 4)
- A pack of wicks

And then I got an aluminum can from work. Yay recyling!

So here's how you do it:
1. Fill a pot about halfway with water and bring to a boil.
2. Put the block of wax in the tin can and then gently place in the boiling water. You may have to turn the heat down, but don't turn it down so much that it doesn't melt the wax!*
3. While the wax is melting, prepare your teacups (or any other container) by placing them on a sheet of aluminum foil. You don't want to be cleaning up wax off of your kitchen counters!
4. When the wax has finally melted, put one of the scent blocks in there to melt with it. Use a disposable coffee stirrer to stir it once it's melted.
5. Pour the wax (carefully) into the teacups. Make sure you leave some room at the top!
6. After a few minutes, put the wicks in the center of the teacups.
7. Wait for the wax to dry. I would definitely wait overnight just in case! You can let the remainder of your unpoured wax dry in the meantime - the beauty of wax is that you can remelt it whenever you want!
7. In the morning, you will probably see a little crater around where the wick is in the candle. This is completely normal! Repeat steps 1-5, filling in the gap. Then wait for your candles to dry again, and you will have your beautiful creation!

Here's mine, all finished :)

Have fun! This is one of my favorite crafts to do.

*This is EXTREMELY important! Always use a double-boiler to melt your wax. ALWAYS!!


Friday, January 4, 2013

One of my New Year's resolutions was to take more pictures. Here goes nothing!

Zack learned how to shoot manual (a bit)... that was fun :)

I shot this at a local candy shop in Flagstaff during First Fridays!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

For Auld Lang Syne, My Dear

This year, I'm not even going to attempt making a resolution about going to the gym more. My New Year's resolutions are more about my mind and soul rather than body.

1. Be more positive.
2. Count your blessings.
3. Take one great photo a week.
4. Be more organized and less lazy.
5. Pay more attention to people.
6. Talk less; listen more.
7. Save money; acquire memories, not objects.
